Description | If you would like to attend, please email Dawn Moncalieri, GFO Program Coordinator, at to request the zoom link. AGENDA: - 1:30-1:40pm: Welcome and Approval of Minutes
- 1:40-1:55pm: Update on CEL ULG Assessment
- 1:55-2:20pm: Use of CBLIS for Measurement of CEL ULG
- 2:20-2:30pm: Progress on the Strengthen Diversity and Equity Strategic Priority Report
- 2:30-3pm: End of Year Reflection and Planning for Next Year
- 3pm: Adjourn Meeting
The Campus Council on Assessment and Learning (CCAL) serves as an advisory board to the GFO Executive Council regarding implementation, revision, and assessment of campus-level student learning goals and proficiencies. This council meets monthly and consists of a faculty representative from each of the 5 schools and FYPP as well as ex-officio representatives from various UWB units. To learn more about what CCAL does and to view the current membership and meeting schedule, Click Here. CCAL meetings are not open to the public and, therefore, are not subject to the Open Public Meetings Act. If you are interested in attending a CCAL meeting, email GFO Program Coordinator, Dawn Moncalieri at |