When | Thursday, Feb 20, 2025, 4:30 – 6 p.m. |
Event interval | Single day event |
Campus location | Student Union Building (HUB) |
Campus room | HUB, Room 340 |
Accessibility Contact | Mia Bennett, miabenn@uw.edu |
Event Types | Academics, Information Sessions, Lectures/Seminars |
Event sponsors | UW Arctic Initiative |
Target Audience | Graduate students, postdocs, faculty, staff, researchers |
| | Description | Are you an Arctic researcher at the University of Washington? Come join us for lightning talks, brainstorming sessions, and networking over food and drinks to learn what others are doing! Register today at the weblink in this UW Calendar event to confirm your spot! Event organizers: Mia Bennett (Geography), David Butman (Civil & Environmental Engineering), PJ Griffin (School of Marine & Environmental Affairs/American Indian Studies) With generous support from the UW Office of Research |
Link | docs.google.com… |