Cost: $37.50 Register Now Financial aid slots available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Class 3 of 6. We will dive into exploring how water enters, moves, and gets stored in soils and the relationship between levels of soil moisture and ecosystem function. Topics will include how topography influences water movement, soil physical and chemical properties control soil water storage, and field methods for assessing soil water holding capacity and drainage. Irrigation tools and best management practices will be reviewed. Understanding soils – what they are, how they function, how they degrade, and how to steward them back to health – empowers restoration professionals to design and implement more resilient and self-sustaining ecosystem restoration projects. This series of classes will build from the ground up a holistic knowledge of soils that will enable students to understand how and when to choose soil stewardship techniques and most importantly why they work based on soil science.
Professional Credits Pending |